What We Do
Strategic Political Surveys
When politicians look at surveys, their interest is often limited to two things: awareness level and vote share. We, on the other hand, use surveys not only to precisely assess your current vote share but also to explore your candidacy’s potential to ...Read more
Customized Focus Group Discussions
During the past years, we have carried out more than a hundred focus group discussions. They allow us to understand how average voters see the political landscape and the political players. ...Read more
Campaign Planning
Perron Campaigns is not doing classic advertising, but specializes in campaign planning and strategy development. Indeed, a campaign is more than producing an ad. ...Read more
Campaign Training
We conduct trainings and workshops for political parties, candidates and interest groups. For this, we focus on new tools and approaches. ...Read more
Message Development
Most candidates nowadays run television ads or produce extensive campaign materials. Many waste their money on empty rhetoric, however. ...Read more
Feasibility Study
Candidates are often surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear. Competitive candidates who end up losing are either overconfident or have relied on wrong surveys. ...Read more
Campaign Assessment
Give us your campaign plan, concepts and drafts and we provide you with an assessment of it. We combine outside view, critical feedback and educated second opinion. ...Read more
Public Affairs
We do public affairs for foreign companies in Switzerland. We explain our clients the Swiss political system and help them navigate through the policy-making and regulatory process. ...Read more
Pro bono Work

We are willing to do pro bono work for good causes. For example, Dr. Perron is a frequent guest lecturer at Arellano University, a university in Manila with students coming from a humble background. Louis offers his know-how and expertise to the school for free and contributes to several classes.

Would You Like to Suggest a Cause?

If you want to suggest a cause, we encourage you to get in touch with us by using the form below. Please briefly describe the cause you and your organization are fighting for and how you think you can best use the input of Dr. Perron. We feel particularly strong about global warming, the protection of the environment, social inequality and animal rights, but remain open to other causes. Please do not apply for pro bono work if you are a political party, corporation or a non-governmental organization with a budget of more than 500,000 USD. Please understand that we sometimes have to turn down very worthy and deserving projects out of time constraints.

Where We've Been